One voice, 4,000 members strong
Each of our four main areas of giving are essential funds that allow us to fight for the residential construction industry. With your generous support of these efforts we can work to elect leaders who support housing, fight legal battles on your behalf, and ensure the future of the industry is strong. Mouse over the logos to find out how you can support online or via check.
Checks can be made out to HBA of Michigan (please write Legal Action Fund in the memo line) and sent to 6427 Centurion, Ste. 100, Lansing, MI 48917
Checks can be made out to Skilled to Build Michigan Foundation and sent to 6427 Centurion, Ste. 100, Lansing, MI 48917
Personal checks or checks from an LLC can be made out to Friends of Housing PAC and mailed to 6427 Centurion, Ste. 100, Lansing, MI 48917
Personal voluntary contributions via check can made out to BUILD-PAC and mailed to: National Association of Home Builders Attn: BUILD-PAC, 1201 15th Street NW, Floor 9, Washington, DC 20005.Â
Legal action
Your support to the Legal Action fund allows us to engage in legal cases and lawsuits that affect the construction and housing industry. This fund ensures we have the tools needed should we have to file an amicus brief or become engaged in a legal battle. Click below to learn more about legal action and some of our current cases.
Skilled to Build
Skilled to Build works to promote workforce development within residential construction. Your support allows us to continue outreach into the education area, connecting with veterans and helping returning citizens rejoin their communities through employment. Click below to visit the Skilled to Build website.
Friends of housing pac
Your personal, voluntary contribution allows us to support republicans and democrats to the state house and state senate who support you and your ability to do business without costly regulations, higher taxes, or any other issues that impact the residential construction industry. Click below to learn more about Friends of Housing-PAC.
The National Association of Home Builders focuses on electing U.S. congressional candidates and U.S. senate candidates at the federal level who are supportive of housing and small businesses. They do this with your personal financial support to BUILD-PAC. Click below to read about NAHB's 2023 legislative priorities.
Thank you, donors!
42 North Custom Homes
Aaron Hovestadt
Adam J. Duerksen
Alan Jeffries
Alside Building Products
Anita Blender
Baumann Building
Bernard Mein
Bob Doil
Bosgraaf Homes
Brett Cohen
Brittany Ryzenga
Brittany Ryzenga
Cambridge Homes
Chizek Builders
Cobblestone Homes
Daniel Allor II
Daniel Paulson
Eastbrook Homes
Greenwald & BC Inc
HBA of Western MI
High Country Custom Homes
Howling Hammer Builders
Hunter Pasteur
Jason Slenk
Jeff Grantham
Justin Schutmaat Builders
Lakeshore Home Builders Association
Lombardo Homes
LR Swadley
Lynne Pratt
Marcusse Construction Co
Mayberry Homes
Michael & Lauren Tucker
Michael McColgan
Michael Tobin
Mike Tribble
Mindy Ball
MJC Companies
Modern Electric
Nederveld Inc.
Norman Finkelstein
PR Design Build
Richard Kligman
Robert Doil
Robert R Jones Associates, Inc
Robertson Homes
Ron Jedwab
Sable Homes
Shane Vork
Sharp Roofing
Spencer Roed
Stanley Sterk
Steve Boss
Ted Samra
Toll Brothers
Troxel Custom Homes
Weir Building Company
Major Donors:
John Bitely
Marshall Blau
Darian Neubecker
Paul & Cheryl Robertson
James Clarke
T. Bosgraaf Homes, LLC
Mayberry Homes/Karen Schroeder
Millenium Club:
Charles Thompson
Rich & Cindy Kogelschatz
Tom Barber
Robert Doil
Inner Circle Club:
Darian Neubecker
Stan Sterk
Lynne Pratt
Don Pratt
James Babcock
Colin Herren
Kevin DeVisser
LR Swadley
Executive Club:
Robert Doil
John Kelly
Bill Kipf
Richard Kligman
Spencer Roed
Jeff Grantham
Stuart Michaelson
Cindy Kosloski
Mark LeVasseur
Mike Tribble
Aaron Hovestadt
Michael Tucker
Bernie Mein
Andrew Kosick
Keystone Construction Group, LLC
DGR Property Management, LLC
C-Note Club:
Todd Hallett
Robert Tedesco
Daniel Allor II
Michael McColgan
Brian Terhune
Carole Jones
Mark Curran Rentals
Michael Kozuch
Michael Miller
Ron Jedwab
Anita Blender
Rino Soave
Aaron Hovestadt
Aaron Hovestadt
Andrew Kosick
Anita Blender
Bill Kipf
Brett Cohen
Brian Terhune
Carole Jones
Carole Jones
Charles Thompson
Cindy Kosloski
Colin Herren
Daniel Allor II
Darian Neubecker
Darian Neubecker
Don Pratt
Don Pratt
DRG Properties Management, LLC
James Babcock
James Clarke
Jeff Grantham
Jeff Grantham
Jo Golda
John Bitely
John Kelly
John Kelly
Kenneth Smokoska
Kevin DeVisser
Keystone Construction, LLC
Kurt Fedewa
Lynne Pratt
Lynne Pratt
Mark Curran Rentals
Mark LeVasseur
Marshall Blau
Mayberry Homes
Michael Kozuch
Michael Mccolgan
Michael Miller
Michael Miller
Michael Tucker
Michael Tucker
Mike Tribble
Mike Tribble
Paul and Cheryl Robertson
Rich Kogelschatz
Rich/Cindy Kogelschatz
Richard Kligman
Richard Kligman
Rino Soave
Rino Soave
Robert Doil
Robert Doil
Robert Doil
Robert Tedesco
Robert Tedesco
Ron Jedwab
Spencer Roed
Spencer Roed
Stan Sterk
Stan Sterk
Stuart Michaelson
T. Bosgraaf Homes, LLC
Todd Hallett
Tom Barber
Aaron Hovestadt
Bob Filka
Brett Cohen
Carole Jones
Don Pratt
James Reichard
Jason Orvosh
Jeff Grantham
Jon Goldman
Karen Schroeder
Lynne Pratt
Marcy Hurst
Michael E. Tobin
Michael McGraw
Mike Miller
Mike Tribble
Mike Tucker
Richard Kligman
Rino Soave
Robert M. Tedesco
Sandy Grantham
Stan Sterk
As of 8/8/24